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How we help customers and equipment vendors improve cash flow and the bottom line

What we do for Leasing Customers

With rapid and turbulent changes in the leasing industry, we thought it might be helpful to articulate the credit methodology currently used at Standard Professional Services, LLC.

Credit Evaluation


Assuming that the transaction appears sound, a credit report on all guarantors is pulled.  Once pulled and evaluated, the deal is then priced and structured appropriately.  (ie., larger security deposit, additional collateral and/or additional guarantors).


Corporate Verification


Once the deal is internally approved it then goes to documentation, where the Lessee is checked to verify corporate status in the state, new vendors' references are spot checked, etc.  In some cases, a D&B is also pulled to further validate the information presented so that there are no missing links or misinformation.



As soon as documents go out, an inspection service company is simultaneously contacted to arrange a site visit for inspection of the equipment.  This service protects both broker and funder that the equipment is real and that serial numbers conform to the vendor invoice.  Upon receipt of the inspection company's report, hard copy invoice, and receipt of the delivery and acceptance from the Lessee, the vendor and broker are funded.


How we Help Equipment Vendors

Equipment vendors may not know the many advantages of working with a leasing company like ours.  There are a number of key advantages to the services we provide vendors.

Faster Deal Closing


Banks are notorious for their slow credit processing.  We simplify the process with more rapid decision making.​


Expand Target Market


Equipment vendors all compete for the big companies and well established firms.  We help you expand your market to thousands of companies that you otherwise could not or would not reach. 

Increased Cash Flow


When we help you, you get your money faster and your customers get their equipment sooner.   

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